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National Hotdog Day Celebration

Celebrating a Summertime Staple – Third Wednesday in July

Delicious looking hot dog with all the fixins

hen we think of summer, hot dogs immediately pop into your mind.  It’s just another part of the typical summer experience.  But, to be sure, this American favorite can be enjoyed any time of year.  Of course, hotdogs go nicely with a summer day at the amusement park or a baseball stadium. Brave explorers might try a tofu dog, to get their vegan on…  Although we can enjoy hot dogs any time of the year, this year July 20 is the day most celebrated.

In the late 19th century, hot dogs became a household name when casual food lovers and a baseball team owner bought the two hot dogs together at his amusement park

National Hot Dog Day pays tribute to frankfurter, the footlong, wiener, or even red hot.  Their taste is just great, no matter what we call them.  

Fun Facts about Hot Dogs

  • The South Florida Reporter revealed the fun fact about hot dogs that over 25 million hot dogs are sold each year at baseball stadiums.
  • Joey "Jaws" Chestnut broke his own record to gulp to a 14th win in the men's Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest – 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes.
  • A 2014 survey by the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) revealed that 71% of Americans use mustard to flavor their hotdogs, while 52% use ketchup.
  • In America, “hot dog” refers to both the frankfurter by itself and its combination on the bun.
  • Americans consume 20billion hot dogs annually.  Yes – that’s 20 BILLION!
  • There is a right and a wrong way to eat hot dogs.  The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council introduced a hot dog etiquette guide  which catalogues the “do’s-and-don’ts” of hotdog eating.  Follow this guide to the letter when in plain sight of hot dog police.  
hot dog with mustard

Hot dogs are convenient and easy to make and we make them in a variety of ways.  Many of us prefer to grill or toast them over a fire, but we can also boil, pan-fry, and rotisserie-cook them.  There is a wide range of condiments ranging from basic ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, onions, cheese, bacon, chili, sauerkraut, etc., etc… the possibilities are endless and no stone is left uncovered by maverick hot dog creators.

Top 10 Hot Dog Retailers in Denver 

There’s no shortage of hot dog varieties in Denver.  Check out our favorite hot dog retailers in Denver to make your day more special:

  1. Biker Jim’s Gourmet Dogs
  2. Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs
  3. Harley’s: A Hot Dog Revolution
  4. Mustard’s Last Stand
  5. Chicago Mike’s Beef & Dogs
  6. Dog Haus
  7. Billy’s Gourmet Hot Dogs
  8. Mike’s Coneys
  9. Saray Hot Dogs
  10. Mile High Vienna Stand

And remember, “put hotdog toppings between the hot dog and the bun.  Always "dress the dog, "NOT THE BUN!!"

July 8, 2022